Join us here for conversations with seasoned activists about their experiences in working for a better world. We’ll speak with people from Gen Z to Elders, from a range of ethnicities and spiritual paths, and a variety of areas of activist engagement. (Some of them didn’t consider themselves “activists” until our conversation!) What inspires and sustains them? What is the relationship between healing and justice? How do we recover from burnout—or better yet, avoid it? What wisdom would they share with others that they wish they’d known sooner? What is the vision they are working toward?
As a healer, spiritual leader, and life-long progressive social activist, I’ll share these conversations, plus additional insights, reflections, practices and resources to support you in your life and work—whether you identify as an activist or not. Many of these reflections are drawn from my forthcoming book, Soul Medicine for a Fractured World: Healing, Justice, and the Path of Wholeness, coming in fall 2025.
Please click here to read an introduction to this blog, including what I mean by activism and how healing fits in!
Whatever your experience, you are welcome here. Feel free to add your own respectful comments, stories, and questions. I hope you will subscribe, and share this blog with your friends and networks so we can build community together.
About Liza
Dr. Liza J. Rankow is an interfaith minister, educator, activist, and writer. Her lifework centers the deep healing that is essential to personal and social transformation. Liza is the founder and former Executive Director of OneLife Institute, a pioneering organization that served for 17 years to support the well-being of frontline activists, caregivers, and others working to lift up the community.
Liza has been a spiritual counselor and teacher for more than three decades. She works with individual clients, facilitates healing retreats, and offers classes and workshops in a variety of community and academic settings.
Learn more at: www.lizarankow.org
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